Coaches, if you have a team from another league or organization, YES, we will be accepting outside teams on a LIMITED basis. Registrations for outside/travel teams will be accepted until August 15th, DO NOT SEND PAYMENT for your team until we have contacted you to confirm.
To accommodate the expanded number of teams and more evenly match skill levels, we will be introducing two separate divisions this season, Little League and Travel. The majority of games will be scheduled within the respective division, but there may be crossover games (LL vs. Travel) as the schedule dictates. As it sits now, Travel Ball doubleheaders will be scheduled on Sunday mornings (either 10am/12pm or 9am/11am) and Little League doubleheaders on Sunday Afternoon (either 2pm/4pm or 1pm/3pm).
The registration fee for a full team is below which covers all your umpires and field usage for the 5 week season. Pricing is the same for both baseball and softball divisions. Register your team using the below link.
Minor 1 Coach Pitch (8U) (46/60 field) - $650 (Includes N4 Jersey)
AAA/Minor 2 Kid Pitch (9&10U) (46/60 field) - $850 (Includes N4 Jersey), $750 (No Jersey)
Majors 11&12U (46/60 field) - $850 (Includes N4 Jersey), $750 (No Jersey)
Intermediate 11-13U (50/70 field) - $850 (Includes N4 Jersey), $750 (No Jersey)
Juniors/Seniors 13-15U (teams are primarily made up of 13-14U players, most will only have a couple of 15U kids) 60/90 field - $950 (Includes N4 Jersey), $850 (No Jersey)
We are offering a 50/70 intermediate division this season for the first time! If there isn't enough interest in a 50/70 division we'll contact the registered teams to determine if they want to play 46/60 or 60/90.
This is not the link to register an individual player!
2021 Fall Ball Team Registration

NOTE: This form is for non N4 coaches registering full teams.
Do not use this form to register teams or players from Northern, Northeastern, Northwestern, or Northview Little Leagues!
All N4 (NLL, NELL, NWLL, NV) coaches should instruct their players to register individually and then you, the coach, can send a complete roster to [email protected].
Teams registering through this form will not receive shirts from N4 Fall League unless specified.
To register an individual player, please use the Register/Login links above.